Training Sessions are now online!
26 May 2023
The UK’s leading exhibition on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), EMC & Compliance International returned to Newbury Racecourse, Newbury, on May 16 and 17, 2023, bringing the EMC and Compliance communities together to share knowledge, network and do business face-to-face. The exhibition also featured free technical workshops and EMC consultations with world-leading experts and specialist EMC training sessions for paid guests, both led by world-renowned experts in EMC and compliance.
The exhibition also included a full programme of FREE EMC technical workshops and additional training workshops for paid delegates. The free workshops included sessions on EMC Test Challenges for Military/Electric Aircraft with Gavin Barber, EMC Design for the Power & Electronics Applications with Min Zhang, Practical compliance for Manufacturers with Paul Duxbury and EMC Risk Management with Oskari Leppäaho
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EMC Standards is a world-leading resource for all things EMC and EMI related. Our website is packed full of both free and paid-for content, including:
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Electromagnetic Engineering (EMgineering) is the basis for proven good design practices for signal integrity (SI), power integrity (PI), and the control of EMI emissions and immunity (EMC).
Our aim is to help people learn how to more quickly and cost-effectively design and manufacture electronic equipment (products, systems, installations, etc.) to meet functional (i.e. SI/PI) specifications and conform to EMC standards, directives and other requirements.
Such equipment should benefit from reduced warranty costs and financial risks, whilst improving uptime, competitiveness and profitability.
We also cover basic good electrical safety engineering; and the Risk Management of Electromagnetic Disturbances / EMI, whether for Functional Safety or other types of risk.
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