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Problems with the EMC requirements in BS7671
New requirements on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) were been added to the 17th Edition [1], andhave been in force since January 2012.
The new Clause 332.1 added some requirements that go beyond those in the EMC Regulations [2] andcould increase that cost of some equipment, and the new Clause 444 does not provide sufficient practicalguidance.
This brief article discusses these issues, and shows where to find well-proven practical guidance.
First published in the EMC Journal, Issue 115, February 2015
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Electromagnetic Engineering (EMgineering) is the basis for proven good design practices for signal integrity (SI), power integrity (PI), and the control of EMI emissions and immunity (EMC).
Our aim is to help people learn how to more quickly and cost-effectively design and manufacture electronic equipment (products, systems, installations, etc.) to meet functional (i.e. SI/PI) specifications and conform to EMC standards, directives and other requirements.
Such equipment should benefit from reduced warranty costs and financial risks, whilst improving uptime, competitiveness and profitability.
We also cover basic good electrical safety engineering; and the Risk Management of Electromagnetic Disturbances / EMI, whether for Functional Safety or other types of risk.
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