IEEE Standards Project P1848: Techniques & Measures to Manage Functional Safety - IWCS 2018

IEEE Standards Project P1848: Techniques & Measures to Manage Functional Safety - IWCS 2018 image #1

IEEE Standards Project P1848: Techniques & Measures to Manage Functional Safety and Other Riskswith Regard to Electromagnetic Disturbances

IWCS 2018

The IEEE EMC Society is undertaking the development of this standard to provide a set of practical methods for managing functional safety and other risks due to Electromagnetic (EM) disturbances throughout the life of a product or system.
It would be applied where EM disturbances could cause errors, malfunctions or failures leading to unacceptable risks over the lifetime;whether safety or any other kind of risk is to be managed.

The “autonomization” of society and the constant need for data underlines the criticality of the data infrastructure and the need for the data industry to consider functional safety and other risks associated with electromagnetic disturbances as a significant element of systems design. This paper overviews the standard and identifies some of the key practices required.

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