Exporting to the EU, and/or to the UK
05 Jan 2023
Manufacturers and other product suppliers based outside the EU must create specified ‘Technical Documentation’ for the CE-marked products they export into the EU, to demonstrate compliance with EU Directives. They may also need to use ‘Authorised Representatives’ based in the EU.
For the official details on how to comply with these EU requirements, visit: https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/product-requirements/compliance/technical-documentation-conformity/index_en.htm
Similar requirements apply to manufacturers and other product suppliers based outside the UK, when they export UKCA marked products into the UK. For official details on the UK’s requirements for Technical Documentation, and for Authorised Representatives based in the UK, visit: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/ukca-marking-roles-and-responsibilities.
There are many providers of Authorised Representative Services based in the EU (and/or in the UK) for use by companies based outside the EU (and/or outside the UK). Some of these providers might also be able to help ensure Technical Documentation is correct.
And there’s a list containing even more Authorised Representative Services, at:
But please beware!
Sometimes people offering compliance services have been known to claim that certain things are legally required – when they are not – to try to charge more for their services.
So, I recommend that you visit the two official websites mentioned first on this page and learn the actual requirements for Technical Documentation and Authorised Representatives, to help you check whether services you are being quoted for are legally required.
To help avoid being ripped off, please don’t rely on 3rd parties to tell you what you need to know when exporting into the EU and/or into the UK. Always use official websites.
Photo by Paul Teysen on Unsplash
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