Everything you need to know about RF current probes: A Mini-Series by Dr Min Zhang

Everything you need to know about RF current probes: A Mini-Series by Dr Min Zhang image #1

18 Jul 2024

Near-field magnetic field probes? RF current probes? How to use them? Should they be connected to an oscilloscope or a spectrum analyser? Can they predict far-field behaviour? These are some of the common questions addressed during essential EMC and high-speed measurement training sessions.

To provide answers and insights, Dr Min Zhang has created a comprehensive mini-series of videos on near-field probes and RF current probes.

Each week, a new episode is released, with the entire Season 1 series consisting of 8 episodes that cover the essentials. Currently on Episode 3, the series is designed to reflect a typical triangular training approach: fundamentals, simulation, and lab results. Season 2 will feature more advanced techniques, taking the viewer's knowledge to the next level.

Check out the series here (Everything you need to know about RF current probes) and deepen your understanding of these critical tools. 

We welcome all feedback and hope you enjoy the content!

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