EMC Launches New Subscription Service!
15 Jul 2021
EMC Standards is excited to launch its new subscription service!
For a one-off fee, we will provide:-
- Instant access to 25 items of High Quality EMC Training worth over £1800.00.
- A signed copy of 'The First 500 Banana Skins' delivered to you by post.
- Training that is regularly updated to ensure you stay informed about the latest developments in the world of EMC Standards. See the recent updates here
- A CPD Certificate issued by EMC Standards to cover all of the courses.
- A free GOLD entry, for 1 year, for you or your organisation on the EMC Standards Directory of EMC Experts.
- All new training that is added or revised during the 1 year subscription period.
If you would like to read more, please click here!
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EMC Standards is a world-leading resource for all things EMC and EMI related. Our website is packed full of both free and paid-for content, including:
- Online quiz
- Webinars
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- And much more!

Electromagnetic Engineering (EMgineering) is the basis for proven good design practices for signal integrity (SI), power integrity (PI), and the control of EMI emissions and immunity (EMC).
Our aim is to help people learn how to more quickly and cost-effectively design and manufacture electronic equipment (products, systems, installations, etc.) to meet functional (i.e. SI/PI) specifications and conform to EMC standards, directives and other requirements.
Such equipment should benefit from reduced warranty costs and financial risks, whilst improving uptime, competitiveness and profitability.
We also cover basic good electrical safety engineering; and the Risk Management of Electromagnetic Disturbances / EMI, whether for Functional Safety or other types of risk.
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