EM Resillience events at IEEE EMC+SIPI 2023
13 Jul 2023
EM Resilience events at IEEE EMC+SIPI 2023 in Grand Rapids, MI, USA
July 31 - August 4, https://emc2023.org/
I wanted to let you know about some upcoming events that may interest you!
1st August, 08:00, 1st meeting on a Machinery Sector version of IEEE 1848-2020.
2nd August, 09:00, 3rd meeting of the IEEE 1848-2020 Continuity Group.
To attend on-line, use: https://cherryclough.webex.com/cherryclough/j.php?MTID=m9d45e7bcb39caf9ed240c4444ab3f84c
4th August, 08:00 start, Prof. Davy Pissoort and I will present the half-day tutorial:
“EMI can cause Functional Safety (and other) risks that can’t be covered by EMC testing alone.So we need EM Resilience”
These events are all free to everyone who registers for the Symposium, whether or not they are members of the relevant Working Groups, Continuity Groups, or even the IEEE!
See you there!
Keith Armstrong
keith.armstrong@cherryclough.com, karmstrong@ieee.org
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Electromagnetic Engineering (EMgineering) is the basis for proven good design practices for signal integrity (SI), power integrity (PI), and the control of EMI emissions and immunity (EMC).
Our aim is to help people learn how to more quickly and cost-effectively design and manufacture electronic equipment (products, systems, installations, etc.) to meet functional (i.e. SI/PI) specifications and conform to EMC standards, directives and other requirements.
Such equipment should benefit from reduced warranty costs and financial risks, whilst improving uptime, competitiveness and profitability.
We also cover basic good electrical safety engineering; and the Risk Management of Electromagnetic Disturbances / EMI, whether for Functional Safety or other types of risk.
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