Analogue design techniques for S/N (SNR) and immunity to EMI

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Analogue design techniques for S/N (SNR) and immunity to EMI image #1

This module is designed to help engineers understand that Good Electromagnetic (EM) Engineering involves:

-cost-effective SI, PI and EMC engineering that is well-proven to save time & money in all lifecycle stages, helping to increase profits & reduce financial risks…
– PCBs, modules, sub-assemblies, devices, products, equipment, vehicles, subsystems, systems, installations, etc., etc.; of any size, in all applications

The Module contains many EM Engineering guidelines that should also be used as an initial design checklist that canidentify a project risk!
It will help to adapt any Lambda based design guidelines to different EMC standards

Module is 192 slides


• Introduction: S/N, SNR and immunity to EMI
• System design techniques
• Circuit design techniques
• Using a ‘solid’ 0V plane
• Using circuit segregation
• Improving linear bandwidth and stability
• Improving recovery from saturation and clipping
• Suppression of noise entering via the input(s)
• Suppression of noise entering via the power rail(s)
• Suppression of noise entering via the output(s)
• Cabling and shielding techniques for noise suppression
• Hysteresis is needed for all comparators


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